
Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.

[1] Bukankah Kami telah melapangkan bagimu: Dadamu (wahai Muhammad serta mengisinya dengan iman dan hidayat petunjuk)?

[2] Dan Kami telah meringankan daripadamu: Bebanmu (menyiarkan Islam);
[3] Yang memberati tanggunganmu, (dengan memberikan berbagai kemudahan dalam melaksanakannya)?
[4] Dan Kami telah meninggikan bagimu: Sebutan namamu (dengan mengurniakan pangkat Nabi dan berbagai kemuliaan)?
[5] Oleh itu, maka (tetapkanlah kepercayaanmu) bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan,
[6] (Sekali lagi ditegaskan): Bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan.
[7] Kemudian apabila engkau telah selesai (daripada sesuatu amal soleh), maka bersungguh-sungguhlah engkau berusaha (mengerjakan amal soleh yang lain),
[8] Dan kepada Tuhanmu sahaja hendaklah engkau memohon (apa yang engkau gemar dan ingini).

Dear almighthy God,
tabahkan hatiku.kuatkan semangatku.tunjukkan lah aku jln yg membawa kebaikan kepada ku,agamaku,kehidupanku dan mudah mudahan menjadi berkah kepadaku.Serta puaskan lah hatiku dengan takdirMu.



.it happened. really scares me.traumatized. Hopefully I can recover asap.

.doakan saye ye.


.10 days of Ramadhan.

assalamualaikum all.it has been 10 days of Ramadhan.Did you perform well? Hopefully all of us will perform well and get rewards from Allah.InsyaAllah. Ramadhan in Besot is so much differ than Ramadhan in KL.It such a shock for me,but it does makes me think and accept it.Here,all the restaurant or anything that falls under the F&B,were closed.Even that 24 hrs KFC,closed for the day and only operates from 3pm-6am only during Ramadhan.Can you find these kind of restriction in KL?I bet you're not! haha.Yeah I know,there's a lot of differences between here n KL.So i guess it really portrays the trademark of tganu which is 'Islam Hadhari Terengganu bestari'.

So that's all about Ramadhan.What's more important now is that tomorrow will be my last day in practicum.Next week I'm going to attend the classes and take up few more subject.Plus,there will be examination and everything.Just got an update tat my oral exam will be on 15,16,and 17 of October.It means that after Hari Raya.Surprised?yeah.. it means that in few more months i will leave this small town and back to my place.I AM SO CANT WAIT FOR IT!!! hihih..but there's a few things that I am still worry about.That oral exam wont be that easy.From the rumours that i've heard,the passage will be about the science and etc.There will be a lot of science terms in it.SCIENCE?? I am not really good in this science thinggy and I am not really that interested in it.Anyone would volunteer to teach me the science terms? Nahhh..i should really work on it.But how??

Yeah..it is hard to be that someone who only labour for love..huhu!I need to be doing it or else I wont earn any money.I'm going to go thru this and not being a bad egg either.Oh yeah,i received a looooooooottttttttttt of presents and letterrrssss from my pupils.Since tomorrow is the last day,I'm planning to snap few pictures with them.few?? i dont think so.it gonna be aaa looott~~!hihi..im a camera freak.so i dont care!..ahah!Erm..I am so gonna miss them a lot.Being with them for about 3 months,really makes me adores and love them.There were so innocent though there were still few of them who did not that 'adorable',but I think it's acceptable.There were the 'white shirt' that ready and willing to be paint by outsiders which i would refer the teachers and friends.

So till then,i will updates for more! hihi! muahs!

.Ramadhan al - mubarak.

Happy ramadhan al-mubarak to all friends.

Please forgive me for any wrongdoings,zahir and batin.Forgive me if there were things i said or did may offended you.May Allah bless us this Ramadhan.Happy ramadhan again everyone! Muahs!
