Perunding motivasi dan keluarga, Datuk Dr Fadzilah Kamsah memberi 63 petua yang boleh dijadikan amalan pasangan suami isteri yang melayari rumah tangga.
1. Doa yang berterusan.
2. Patuh ajaran agama.
3. Murah dengan pujian.
4. Murah dengan khidmat.
5. Murah dengan belaian kasih sayang.
6. Murah dengan sentuhan.
7. Mencari kebaikan pasangan.
8. Cari masa berkomunikasi, berbual atau bergurau senda.
9. Cari kebaikan dan pembaikan diri daripada setiap pertengkaran.
10. Menghormati had, sempadan atau hal peribadi pasangan.
11. Menilai diri daripada perspektif pasangan.
12. Berfikiran terbuka - boleh tegur menegur.
13. Berani mengambil risiko emosi - tegur/perubahan/berpisah sementara.
14. Menilai dan memberi keutamaan dalam kehidupan.
15. Tolak-ansur.
16. Menghormati dan mengambil kira ‘gerak batin’ (intuition) perempuan.
17. Tidak mengejar kebendaan semata-mata.
18. Sedar bahawa perselisihan kadangkala tidak boleh dielakkan.
19. Mengubah diri untuk merangsang perubahan pada pasangan.
20. Sanggup berkorban buat pasangan.
21. Menghormati pasangan.
22. Berasa amat beruntung (dan nyatakan) mendapat pasangan yang ada.
23. Perhubungan seksual yang sihat dan diredai.
24. Menghormati perbezaan dalam diri pasangan.
25. Sentiasa bermaafan sebelum tidur.
26. Sentiasa bersangka baik terhadap masa depan.
27. Meletakkan hak kepada pasangan.
28. Tidak menjadi hamba kepada pasangan.
29. Berubah secara kecil-kecilan untuk meningkatkan kebahagiaan.
30. Mengawal marah. Buat perjanjian.
31. Mencari penyelesaian dalam situasi ‘menang-menang’.
32. Muhasabah hubungan untuk mencari punca masalah.
33. Menghormati sifat semula jadi pasangan.
34. Memahami peranan ‘pasangan’.
35. Hubungan perasaan sesama pasangan.
36. Jangan simpan ketidakpuasan, sedih, marah atau benci dalam hati.
37. Bentuk kod kasih sayang dan anda berdua saja yang tahu.
38. Sengaja merancang untuk membaiki hubungan suami isteri.
39. Tujuh kali puji dan satu teguran.
40. Sebut ‘I love you’ sepanjang masa.
41. Banyakkan bergurau dan bermesra.
42. Sentiasa berterus terang.
43. Beri masa untuk perubahan berlaku - sabar.
44. Elakkan berdebat untuk mencari kebenaran.
45. Elakkan salah pasangan.
46. Cari titik pertemuan.
47. Selesaikan masalah hari ini pada hari ini juga.
48. Lebih banyak memberi daripada menerima.
49. Minta nasihat, pandangan atau maklum balas daripada pasangan.
50. Sentiasa bersemangat - bangun tidur, pergi kerja, balik kerja dan sebagainya.
51. Seimbangkan hubungan dari segi:
(a) Mental, pendidikan dan ilmu
(b) Emosi
(c) Fizikal dan ekonomi
(d) Sosial
(e) Spiritual
52. Jangan berjauhan terlalu lama (kecuali terpaksa).
53. Tidak terlalu mengongkong.
54. Tidak bertindak bersendirian.
55. Memberi peluang untuk berbeza:
(a) Pendapat atau pandangan
(b) Hobi
(c) Kegemaran
(d) Makanan
(e) Cita rasa
(f) Warna pilihan dan pelbagai
56. Humor atau lawak dari semasa ke semasa.
57. Minta bantuan untuk memecahkan kitaran negatif.
58. Berwawasan dan pandang ke depan (tidak terjebak dengan masalah semasa).
59. Tidak meminta yang bukan-bukan.
60. Bentuk undang-undang atau peraturan dalam rumah tangga.
61. Mencari kelainan dan perubahan positif.
62. Elakkan mendera pasangan dengan apa cara sekalipun.
63. Reda, syukur dan tawakal kepada Allah s.w.t.
selamat mencube!
.at-touba 129.
[129] Kemudian jika mereka berpaling ingkar, maka katakanlah (wahai Muhammad): Cukuplah bagiku Allah (yang menolong dan memeliharaku), tiada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia; kepadaNya aku berserah diri dan Dialah yang mempunyai Arasy yang besar.
p/s : Salam all.
p/s : Salam all.
Menurut Ibnu Abi Hatim, perkataan Arasy dalam al-Quran merujuk kepada tempat yang tinggi dijadikan Allah. (Tafsir Ibnu Abi Hatim, tafsir ayat 129, surah al-Taubah)
Dalam hadis sahih riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim, Nabi SAW sering berdoa menyeru Allah yang memiliki Arasy yang hebat ketika menghadapi keadaan kritikal.
Abu Daud dan Ibnu al-Sunni meriwayatkan daripada Abu Darda’ r.a. secara mauquf bahawa Nabi SAW bersabda: “Sesiapa yang membacakan ayat ini pada waktu pagi dan petang, sebanyak tujuh kali, maka Allah SWT akan mencukupkan semua urusan dunia dan akhiratnya.” (Al-Durrul Manthur, tafsir ayat 129 surah al-Taubah).
“Tidak ada suatupun yang lebih berharga yang dimiliki oleh seseorang insan selepas menikmati Islam selain teman yang soleh. Apabila kamu mendapati kewujudan kasih sayang kepadanya, maka peganglah ia sungguh-sungguh”..Umar R.A”.
.red - letter day 2.
Akum all.yeah! i've done with the oral,i am counting days to get back home,KL,this coming deepavali.It is gonna be just a short holiday,but, as long as i can meet up with all the people i love most, should be enough for me.hihi!
As promised,here is the conti of yesterday's post.I post another 4 (kalo larat ah eh).If not,there should be part 3 of it.kikiikki.ok let's just go through it!
3. Bila mana si dia terlalu sebuk.
- Sebagai suami dan lelaki yg sepatutnye bersifat memahami,wanita berkerjaya seperti isteri anda mungkin 'kesuntukan' masa untuk bermesraan sedangkan masih byk tugas di rumah yg perlu dibereskan.Sebagai suami,apa salahnye jika anda meringankan tulang membantu isteri di rumah?itu adalah luahan kasih syg yg paling mudah untuk dilakukan.Kalau hendak,seribu daya!
4. Bila mana hari itu hari istimewa.
- Tidak ramai lelaki mengingati tarikh tarikh penting dlm hubungan mereka lantaran kesibukan mengumpul kekayaan.Kerja itu tidak ada salahnya,malah dituntut.Tetapi jgn pula sampai lupa tarikh lahir si dia atau tarikh ulang tahun perkenalana atau perkahwinan anda.Jika anda 'segan' untuk meluahkan lafaz cinta, tukarlah tabiat itu.Jika bukan untuk dijadikan rutin,jadikan ia wajib pada tarikh2 istimewa bersama si dia.Luangkan masa mengingati memori indah bersamanya dan hadiahkan apa yg di ingininya sebagai hadiah istimewa.
5. Bila mana anda bersantai bersamanya.
- Jadikan masa anda bersamanya itu sebagai masa yg berkualiti.Untuk itu,sesekali bersama,bawala si dia melayani muzik romantik ka,bercuti ka,atau dengan hanya mengunjungi tempat kegemarannya dan menjadi nostalgik buat anda berdua.
6. Bila mana tiada rancangan khas.
- Daripada anda asyik menyarung kain pelikat sambil baring di kerusi panjang,bukankah elok jika anda gunakan waktu begini utk menyemarakkan hubungan anda berdua.Tanpa pengetahuannya,rancanglah sesuatu untuk anda berdua,pasti si dia terharu dan gembira apabila mengetahui anda merancang sesuatu yg special untuknya.Hadiahkan sesuatu yang sudah lama menjadi impiannya.Tidak perlu tunggu hari istimewa untuk menghadiahkan sesuatu buat yang tersyg.
Haaa...abes pon nak taip sume.aish! pening guys,read this okie?it's a gud tips for u.Keep this along ur relationship,misti koang akan berkekalan.Insyaallah.
As promised,here is the conti of yesterday's post.I post another 4 (kalo larat ah eh).If not,there should be part 3 of it.kikiikki.ok let's just go through it!
3. Bila mana si dia terlalu sebuk.
- Sebagai suami dan lelaki yg sepatutnye bersifat memahami,wanita berkerjaya seperti isteri anda mungkin 'kesuntukan' masa untuk bermesraan sedangkan masih byk tugas di rumah yg perlu dibereskan.Sebagai suami,apa salahnye jika anda meringankan tulang membantu isteri di rumah?itu adalah luahan kasih syg yg paling mudah untuk dilakukan.Kalau hendak,seribu daya!
4. Bila mana hari itu hari istimewa.
- Tidak ramai lelaki mengingati tarikh tarikh penting dlm hubungan mereka lantaran kesibukan mengumpul kekayaan.Kerja itu tidak ada salahnya,malah dituntut.Tetapi jgn pula sampai lupa tarikh lahir si dia atau tarikh ulang tahun perkenalana atau perkahwinan anda.Jika anda 'segan' untuk meluahkan lafaz cinta, tukarlah tabiat itu.Jika bukan untuk dijadikan rutin,jadikan ia wajib pada tarikh2 istimewa bersama si dia.Luangkan masa mengingati memori indah bersamanya dan hadiahkan apa yg di ingininya sebagai hadiah istimewa.
5. Bila mana anda bersantai bersamanya.
- Jadikan masa anda bersamanya itu sebagai masa yg berkualiti.Untuk itu,sesekali bersama,bawala si dia melayani muzik romantik ka,bercuti ka,atau dengan hanya mengunjungi tempat kegemarannya dan menjadi nostalgik buat anda berdua.
6. Bila mana tiada rancangan khas.
- Daripada anda asyik menyarung kain pelikat sambil baring di kerusi panjang,bukankah elok jika anda gunakan waktu begini utk menyemarakkan hubungan anda berdua.Tanpa pengetahuannya,rancanglah sesuatu untuk anda berdua,pasti si dia terharu dan gembira apabila mengetahui anda merancang sesuatu yg special untuknya.Hadiahkan sesuatu yang sudah lama menjadi impiannya.Tidak perlu tunggu hari istimewa untuk menghadiahkan sesuatu buat yang tersyg.
Haaa...abes pon nak taip sume.aish! pening guys,read this okie?it's a gud tips for u.Keep this along ur relationship,misti koang akan berkekalan.Insyaallah.
.red - letter day.
hye all.just a quick updates. I got an oral test for these 2 days.It is actually an aural-oral test.Yeah.listening and speaking components. The marks is 20%. erm. what so cliche bout me? i am as usual being nervous for it.Super nervous.That is so me. But, i know,i just got to tell it out loud and let it go.after all, u will speak for your whole life of course! ( unless something happen and you wont be able to speak,God forbid! ).
anyway,this post doesnt mean to bristle on any matters.Let's just read below text and you will understand what i mean.
6 perkara yang lelaki perlu belajar.
Wahai kaum adam,ape salahnya jika anda buangkan perasaan ego untuk memujuk dan membelai si dia?kepada lelaki,fahami dan cubalah praktikkan enam perkara di bawah,pasti hubungan anda akan lebih bahagia.
1. Bila mana si dia tidak sihat.
- Tidak dinafikan,waktu2 begini,sesiapun memerlukan lebih perhatian lebih2 lg dr pasangannya.Di situasi ini,dos kasih syg yg berlebihan drpd pasangan amat diperlukan.Daripada hanya sekadar bertanya, " da mkn ubat ke belom??" lebih elok anda antarkan makanan ataupon sup kepadanya.
2. Bila mana si dia stress.
- Anda sepatutnnya menjadi pendengar yang baik.Sudahlah si dia tertekan dgn masalah dan kerja,anda pula bersyarah seolah2 semua berpunca dr sikapnya.itu bukan membantu,malahan menyakitkan hati malah merunsingkan.Ape salahnya anda menasihatinya dengan penuh kasih syg kerana pada saat ini,luahan kasih syg membuatkan dirinya begitu dihargai.
Tak larat nak taip laie 4.nnti sambong eh.
papais! :-h
anyway,this post doesnt mean to bristle on any matters.Let's just read below text and you will understand what i mean.
6 perkara yang lelaki perlu belajar.
Wahai kaum adam,ape salahnya jika anda buangkan perasaan ego untuk memujuk dan membelai si dia?kepada lelaki,fahami dan cubalah praktikkan enam perkara di bawah,pasti hubungan anda akan lebih bahagia.
1. Bila mana si dia tidak sihat.
- Tidak dinafikan,waktu2 begini,sesiapun memerlukan lebih perhatian lebih2 lg dr pasangannya.Di situasi ini,dos kasih syg yg berlebihan drpd pasangan amat diperlukan.Daripada hanya sekadar bertanya, " da mkn ubat ke belom??" lebih elok anda antarkan makanan ataupon sup kepadanya.
2. Bila mana si dia stress.
- Anda sepatutnnya menjadi pendengar yang baik.Sudahlah si dia tertekan dgn masalah dan kerja,anda pula bersyarah seolah2 semua berpunca dr sikapnya.itu bukan membantu,malahan menyakitkan hati malah merunsingkan.Ape salahnya anda menasihatinya dengan penuh kasih syg kerana pada saat ini,luahan kasih syg membuatkan dirinya begitu dihargai.
Tak larat nak taip laie 4.nnti sambong eh.
papais! :-h
.Labour of love (to my girlfriends).
I found this from someone's blog.hidd kot name die.This article really catch my eyes and really mean something to me.To my dear girlfriends, fad , inarah and bahi,please read you galz so much!
If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be. Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.
If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't be "friends". A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then heprobably is. Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.
The only person you can control in a relationship is YOU. Avoid men who've got abunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently? Always have your own set of friends separate from his. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you.
If something bothers you, speak up. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later. You cannot change a man's behavior. Change comes from within. Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are... even if he has more education or in a better job.
Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothingless. Never let a man define who you are. Never borrow someone else's man. If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you. All men are NOT dogs. You should not be the one doing all the bending... compromise is two-way street. You need time to heal between relationships... there is nothing cute About baggage... deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship. You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...
a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals. look for someone complimentary not supplementary.
Dating is fun even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right. Make him miss you sometimes. when a man always know where you are, and you're always readily available to him - he takes it for granted. Never move into his mother's house. Never co-sign for a man. Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others.
If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay. Stop making excuses for a man and his behavior. Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache. Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be. Slower is better. Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.
If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't be "friends". A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend. Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then heprobably is. Don't stay because you think "it will get better." You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.
The only person you can control in a relationship is YOU. Avoid men who've got abunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently? Always have your own set of friends separate from his. Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you.
If something bothers you, speak up. Never let a man know everything. He will use it against you later. You cannot change a man's behavior. Change comes from within. Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are... even if he has more education or in a better job.
Do not make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothingless. Never let a man define who you are. Never borrow someone else's man. If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you. A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you. All men are NOT dogs. You should not be the one doing all the bending... compromise is two-way street. You need time to heal between relationships... there is nothing cute About baggage... deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship. You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...
a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals. look for someone complimentary not supplementary.
Dating is fun even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right. Make him miss you sometimes. when a man always know where you are, and you're always readily available to him - he takes it for granted. Never move into his mother's house. Never co-sign for a man. Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar but get to know others.
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them and an entire life time to forget them.
p/s : inarah darling,i always be here if u need me.take care okie?see you in 2 wks time yah. love u!
.labour of love.
akum all.lame tak apdet kan.maken hari maken malas.knape?I just dont feel like updating it.haha! anyway,before its too late..happy eid mubarak yah.mohon maaf zahir batin.mai dtg raye umah kalo i tadek,u raye same parents i laa eh.uhhuh. How was my raya? is not that enjoyable pon.cuti raye nyeh agak pendek.ape ntah.
I actually dont really know what to i guess i should stop.Will be back but not square yeah! haha!
p/s : fad,i saw you and epoi in facebook.u both are so sweet.u must be counting the days kan?gudlak darling! wish u all the happiness in the u!
I actually dont really know what to i guess i should stop.Will be back but not square yeah! haha!
p/s : fad,i saw you and epoi in facebook.u both are so sweet.u must be counting the days kan?gudlak darling! wish u all the happiness in the u!
Dengan nama Allah, Yang Maha Pemurah, lagi Maha Mengasihani.
[1] Bukankah Kami telah melapangkan bagimu: Dadamu (wahai Muhammad serta mengisinya dengan iman dan hidayat petunjuk)?[2] Dan Kami telah meringankan daripadamu: Bebanmu (menyiarkan Islam);
[3] Yang memberati tanggunganmu, (dengan memberikan berbagai kemudahan dalam melaksanakannya)?
[4] Dan Kami telah meninggikan bagimu: Sebutan namamu (dengan mengurniakan pangkat Nabi dan berbagai kemuliaan)?
[5] Oleh itu, maka (tetapkanlah kepercayaanmu) bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan,
[6] (Sekali lagi ditegaskan): Bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan.
[7] Kemudian apabila engkau telah selesai (daripada sesuatu amal soleh), maka bersungguh-sungguhlah engkau berusaha (mengerjakan amal soleh yang lain),
[8] Dan kepada Tuhanmu sahaja hendaklah engkau memohon (apa yang engkau gemar dan ingini).
Dear almighthy God,
tabahkan hatiku.kuatkan semangatku.tunjukkan lah aku jln yg membawa kebaikan kepada ku,agamaku,kehidupanku dan mudah mudahan menjadi berkah kepadaku.Serta puaskan lah hatiku dengan takdirMu.
tabahkan hatiku.kuatkan semangatku.tunjukkan lah aku jln yg membawa kebaikan kepada ku,agamaku,kehidupanku dan mudah mudahan menjadi berkah kepadaku.Serta puaskan lah hatiku dengan takdirMu.
.it happened. really scares me.traumatized. Hopefully I can recover asap.
.doakan saye ye.
.doakan saye ye.
.10 days of Ramadhan.
assalamualaikum has been 10 days of Ramadhan.Did you perform well? Hopefully all of us will perform well and get rewards from Allah.InsyaAllah. Ramadhan in Besot is so much differ than Ramadhan in KL.It such a shock for me,but it does makes me think and accept it.Here,all the restaurant or anything that falls under the F&B,were closed.Even that 24 hrs KFC,closed for the day and only operates from 3pm-6am only during Ramadhan.Can you find these kind of restriction in KL?I bet you're not! haha.Yeah I know,there's a lot of differences between here n KL.So i guess it really portrays the trademark of tganu which is 'Islam Hadhari Terengganu bestari'.
So that's all about Ramadhan.What's more important now is that tomorrow will be my last day in practicum.Next week I'm going to attend the classes and take up few more subject.Plus,there will be examination and everything.Just got an update tat my oral exam will be on 15,16,and 17 of October.It means that after Hari Raya.Surprised?yeah.. it means that in few more months i will leave this small town and back to my place.I AM SO CANT WAIT FOR IT!!! hihih..but there's a few things that I am still worry about.That oral exam wont be that easy.From the rumours that i've heard,the passage will be about the science and etc.There will be a lot of science terms in it.SCIENCE?? I am not really good in this science thinggy and I am not really that interested in it.Anyone would volunteer to teach me the science terms? Nahhh..i should really work on it.But how?? is hard to be that someone who only labour for love..huhu!I need to be doing it or else I wont earn any money.I'm going to go thru this and not being a bad egg either.Oh yeah,i received a looooooooottttttttttt of presents and letterrrssss from my pupils.Since tomorrow is the last day,I'm planning to snap few pictures with them.few?? i dont think gonna be aaa looott~~! a camera i dont care!..ahah!Erm..I am so gonna miss them a lot.Being with them for about 3 months,really makes me adores and love them.There were so innocent though there were still few of them who did not that 'adorable',but I think it's acceptable.There were the 'white shirt' that ready and willing to be paint by outsiders which i would refer the teachers and friends.
So till then,i will updates for more! hihi! muahs!
So that's all about Ramadhan.What's more important now is that tomorrow will be my last day in practicum.Next week I'm going to attend the classes and take up few more subject.Plus,there will be examination and everything.Just got an update tat my oral exam will be on 15,16,and 17 of October.It means that after Hari Raya.Surprised?yeah.. it means that in few more months i will leave this small town and back to my place.I AM SO CANT WAIT FOR IT!!! hihih..but there's a few things that I am still worry about.That oral exam wont be that easy.From the rumours that i've heard,the passage will be about the science and etc.There will be a lot of science terms in it.SCIENCE?? I am not really good in this science thinggy and I am not really that interested in it.Anyone would volunteer to teach me the science terms? Nahhh..i should really work on it.But how?? is hard to be that someone who only labour for love..huhu!I need to be doing it or else I wont earn any money.I'm going to go thru this and not being a bad egg either.Oh yeah,i received a looooooooottttttttttt of presents and letterrrssss from my pupils.Since tomorrow is the last day,I'm planning to snap few pictures with them.few?? i dont think gonna be aaa looott~~! a camera i dont care!..ahah!Erm..I am so gonna miss them a lot.Being with them for about 3 months,really makes me adores and love them.There were so innocent though there were still few of them who did not that 'adorable',but I think it's acceptable.There were the 'white shirt' that ready and willing to be paint by outsiders which i would refer the teachers and friends.
So till then,i will updates for more! hihi! muahs!
.Ramadhan al - mubarak.
Happy ramadhan al-mubarak to all friends.
Please forgive me for any wrongdoings,zahir and batin.Forgive me if there were things i said or did may offended you.May Allah bless us this Ramadhan.Happy ramadhan again everyone! Muahs!
Please forgive me for any wrongdoings,zahir and batin.Forgive me if there were things i said or did may offended you.May Allah bless us this Ramadhan.Happy ramadhan again everyone! Muahs!
.it's been a while.
hye all.Lame aku tak apdet blog.I am quite busy with the practicum,and I don't really know what to write actually.In added more,I was so fuck up with this hostel.They asked us to move out all of our things to give ways to those who will be here for their short courses.MENYUSAHKAANNN laa was tiring to pack all my things,and move it into the luggage room and those.Pnat sgt.Da laa that Monday ade observation bagai,so I was so pissed off and everything is quite chaos kot.Tapik takpe,on that thursday my ehem2 dtg sinih sbb nak tmn ai balik kl..kikiki..baek kan die kan? [ digital camera satu eh da puji you nih..kikikiki ]Huhu..
oh yeah!I was on school's break last week.One whole week.Yeah..of cos laa aku blk KL..ape brg dok sinih..kikikii..It felt good to be back home.I missed all of them so much.Qiqi,Nelly were the people I missed most.Tp balik je byk je gado.haha!Then,yg paling besh nye,org laen siang g kije,aku dok umah tito smpi tak brape tgh hari sgt,pastu dok tgk tv ape sume bagai.Nak jumpe kenkawan kene jumpe mlm sbb depa kije.hahah!sorry laa geng.aku tak biase kije smpi mlm.tgh hari je aku da balik.kikiki..but it was nice to see you all.sgt2 misshhh tau!sgt2 mish nak hangout same sume.
ahhaa..have you watch Wall-E? It was INCREDIBLY SWEET okie? sgt besh and you gonna regret it if you tak tgk kat cinema.And please do bring your loved one to watch it okie? I like the movie very much.It is about a robot who fall in love with another robot.Robot do have feelings okie? So dont underestimate them eh.I am not going to tell more of it inside here,I wont spoil it.Just go n watch it before the time is up.hahaah!
ok laa..I am going to sleep now.I'll be away for few days.Ade camping badan beruniform kat skolah.So i need to overnite at school with all the pupils and in a TENT! not in the mood for it.ok la. see you! papais! muahs!
oh yeah!I was on school's break last week.One whole week.Yeah..of cos laa aku blk KL..ape brg dok sinih..kikikii..It felt good to be back home.I missed all of them so much.Qiqi,Nelly were the people I missed most.Tp balik je byk je gado.haha!Then,yg paling besh nye,org laen siang g kije,aku dok umah tito smpi tak brape tgh hari sgt,pastu dok tgk tv ape sume bagai.Nak jumpe kenkawan kene jumpe mlm sbb depa kije.hahah!sorry laa geng.aku tak biase kije smpi mlm.tgh hari je aku da balik.kikiki..but it was nice to see you all.sgt2 misshhh tau!sgt2 mish nak hangout same sume.
ahhaa..have you watch Wall-E? It was INCREDIBLY SWEET okie? sgt besh and you gonna regret it if you tak tgk kat cinema.And please do bring your loved one to watch it okie? I like the movie very much.It is about a robot who fall in love with another robot.Robot do have feelings okie? So dont underestimate them eh.I am not going to tell more of it inside here,I wont spoil it.Just go n watch it before the time is up.hahaah!
ok laa..I am going to sleep now.I'll be away for few days.Ade camping badan beruniform kat skolah.So i need to overnite at school with all the pupils and in a TENT! not in the mood for it.ok la. see you! papais! muahs!
.gratified with what you have now?.
hello all.
Gratified with what you have now?I dont think most of us do felt that way now rite? Yeah,unless you're an elderly laa kan.huhu..but elderly pon ade je still not gratified with what they had achieved in their path before.So,there were people who work from 9-5..there were also some people who go out for work bfore sunrise,and came home at nite. These people should we called as workaholic kan?
isk.tadek mud scare tibe2.later you!
Gratified with what you have now?I dont think most of us do felt that way now rite? Yeah,unless you're an elderly laa kan.huhu..but elderly pon ade je still not gratified with what they had achieved in their path before.So,there were people who work from 9-5..there were also some people who go out for work bfore sunrise,and came home at nite. These people should we called as workaholic kan?
isk.tadek mud scare tibe2.later you!
.Why do you blogging?.
Lame tak post blog kan?cbe teke nape? nahh.. I shouldn't tell.anyway,currently I'm in my 7th week of practicum. So it means that I have to go another 5 wks to complete it. Then,I need to attend few more classes bfore final xm.Then proceed to BTN and finally the Induction courses.arrh! still long way to go.
Ahha!I've been reading few blogs for constant.Regular reading kot.There's one blog,commenting on the blogging thinggy.Yeahh..she is right that blogging is getting stereotypical.Most people who use internet heavily,would and could or may also planning to have a blog.Y? that is what I've been asking myself too..why do I chose to blog?Ermm..frankly speaking,I think this is where I can spill out anything at anytime on any matters.Right? I am not going to tell everything in here kot,but I think this is where I can shattered whatever in my mind kot.Since I've been away from all the pleasant things and people that I adore so much,blogging is where I think I can reach them.huhu..y dont I call? It's simple darling..cost! huhu..I am not that rich and moreover my father tak cetak duit la.huhu.
oh y do u blogging?(if you do laa tau :d). surely u have ur own reason kan?Its simply that everyone happened to have or create reasoning on each step that they made.Everything happened for a reason ponnn kann??haha.
Ok to go.nak g smbg buat kije org suruhan.shit sunggoh kije gomen Fadilah Tan Sri Ramlan,thanx for the post.I LOVE U TOO!
Ahha!I've been reading few blogs for constant.Regular reading kot.There's one blog,commenting on the blogging thinggy.Yeahh..she is right that blogging is getting stereotypical.Most people who use internet heavily,would and could or may also planning to have a blog.Y? that is what I've been asking myself too..why do I chose to blog?Ermm..frankly speaking,I think this is where I can spill out anything at anytime on any matters.Right? I am not going to tell everything in here kot,but I think this is where I can shattered whatever in my mind kot.Since I've been away from all the pleasant things and people that I adore so much,blogging is where I think I can reach them.huhu..y dont I call? It's simple darling..cost! huhu..I am not that rich and moreover my father tak cetak duit la.huhu.
oh y do u blogging?(if you do laa tau :d). surely u have ur own reason kan?Its simply that everyone happened to have or create reasoning on each step that they made.Everything happened for a reason ponnn kann??haha.
Ok to go.nak g smbg buat kije org suruhan.shit sunggoh kije gomen Fadilah Tan Sri Ramlan,thanx for the post.I LOVE U TOO!
.i need help.what does it means when a guy kiss on the forehead?.
Dear friends I love most,
What does it means when a guy kiss on your foreheaD?Any suggestions or ideas maybe? Care to share it with me? I am a bit confused bout it. From my opinion,it means that,the kisser care much bout you.Is it so? DING DANG!
.Song for you.
Dear you [ you know who ] , I dedicate this song for you.
apalah erti cinta.-ungu
apalah erti hidup tanpa cinta
apalah erti cinta tanpa kasih
dan apalah erti diriku tanpa hadirmu
apalah erti semua tanpa dirimu
ada dalam pelukku
bersatu selamanya
kerna cinta ku ada untuk dirimu
memberikan semua yang terindah
kerna kasih suciku hanya untukmu
yang takkan mungkin hilang
dan takkan pernah bisa sirna
[ye, aku tau aku jiwang.dah titik. ]
apalah erti hidup tanpa cinta
apalah erti cinta tanpa kasih
dan apalah erti diriku tanpa hadirmu
apalah erti semua tanpa dirimu
ada dalam pelukku
bersatu selamanya
kerna cinta ku ada untuk dirimu
memberikan semua yang terindah
kerna kasih suciku hanya untukmu
yang takkan mungkin hilang
dan takkan pernah bisa sirna
[ye, aku tau aku jiwang.dah titik. ]
.tahukah anda?.
What's the difference between a fruit and a vegetable?
A fruit is what a flower becomes after it is pollinated. The seeds for the plant are inside the fruit.
Vegetables are other plant parts. Carrots are roots. Asparagus stalks are stems. Lettuce is leaves.
Foods we often call vegetables when cooking are really fruits because they contain seeds inside.
Now you know!kikiiki!
A fruit is what a flower becomes after it is pollinated. The seeds for the plant are inside the fruit.
Vegetables are other plant parts. Carrots are roots. Asparagus stalks are stems. Lettuce is leaves.
Foods we often call vegetables when cooking are really fruits because they contain seeds inside.
Now you know!kikiiki!
.bday syg.i lefyuh!.
16 th july 2008. Happy bday syg!Can't wait to see you this weekend.ehh tomorow la! love you syg! muahs!
.april baby!.
Suave and compromising.
Funny and humorous.
Very talkative.
Calm and cool.
Kind and Sympathetic.
Concerned and detailed.
Does Work well with others.
Very confident.
Positive Attitude.
Thinking generous.
Good Memory.
Clever and knowledgeable.
Loves to look For information.
Able to cheer everyone up and/or Make them laugh.
Able to motivate oneself and Others.
Fun to be around.
Bubbly personality.
Boy/girl crazy.
Loves sports, music, leisure and travelling.
Hot but has brains.
kikiki.yeah it's me darling!
care to say anything?hihi.muahs!
Funny and humorous.
Very talkative.
Calm and cool.
Kind and Sympathetic.
Concerned and detailed.
Does Work well with others.
Very confident.
Positive Attitude.
Thinking generous.
Good Memory.
Clever and knowledgeable.
Loves to look For information.
Able to cheer everyone up and/or Make them laugh.
Able to motivate oneself and Others.
Fun to be around.
Bubbly personality.
Boy/girl crazy.
Loves sports, music, leisure and travelling.
Hot but has brains.
kikiki.yeah it's me darling!
care to say anything?hihi.muahs!
.to my dear buddies.
This post meant for Inarah,Bahirah and Fadilah.
A True Friends.A true friend never walks away
A true will always stay
A true friend looks out for you
A true friend will guard your secrets
Like a precious gift
A true friend is there for you
To give you a helpful lift
A true friend tries to make you smile
Tries to replace that frown
They may not always succeed
But they rarely let you down
These arms for you are open
This heart for you does care
And when I think you need me
I'll try to always be there
I'll listen to your fears
I promise not to laugh
Comfort your falling tears
I'll make this friendship last
I'll keep you near to my heart
I'll always hold you dear
Even when we're miles apart
Even when you're here
I hope I am to you
Everything you are to me
For the friendship we have
Is a special one indeed.
A true will always stay
A true friend looks out for you
A true friend will guard your secrets
Like a precious gift
A true friend is there for you
To give you a helpful lift
A true friend tries to make you smile
Tries to replace that frown
They may not always succeed
But they rarely let you down
These arms for you are open
This heart for you does care
And when I think you need me
I'll try to always be there
I'll listen to your fears
I promise not to laugh
Comfort your falling tears
I'll make this friendship last
I'll keep you near to my heart
I'll always hold you dear
Even when we're miles apart
Even when you're here
I hope I am to you
Everything you are to me
For the friendship we have
Is a special one indeed.
Korang,aku dediket poem nih kat koang.Huhu..ntah laa..suddenly i kinda miss you guys so much.Can't wait to get home and gossiping, overnite, and a lot more.You guys are my bestest buddies forever.I will much in debt for your loves,supports and everything!Muahs juta2!
(Aku miss koang.sgt miss nak cite n nak nangeh n nak sume2 ngan koang. :(( )
(Aku miss koang.sgt miss nak cite n nak nangeh n nak sume2 ngan koang. :(( )
.browsing into you.
Hey all.Bace title kat atas? aku tgh berpikir jugek sikit nih.Browsing into him.Who is this 'him'?of course my lovelife,sugar in my sweet,Sayang.I am not actually good in writing,but I guess its worth trying aite?Well,to tell you the truth,it's been more than a month kami tak berjumpe?why? Well,I'm in terengganu,and he is so far away from me.Not that really far laa ehh..kedah je. kikiki..but still,agak sgt jaoh tuk kami bersame selalu.Bile da berjauhan ginih,byk mende yg boleh and mau dielakkan dr berlaku.Eg : gadoh laa,bertekak laa,merajok laa..why? sbb kami same2 jaoh.
aish.tamo laa ckp pasai relationship.Bosan.Tuka nak? I promise,I am going to tell you bout my current life.Had been vigilant bout it. Too much I guess.But,it does give me more time to think and be more matured in handling my life.I have been in Terengganu or to be exact in Besot for about 5 months and 28 days.I am currently in this short course called KPLI and taking English Languange as my option.I'll be teaching primary school kids.Haha! I never imagined that I am going to be here actually.It is all out of sudden. But,I think God have chose this for me.And i must make the best out of it.Like what Sayang said to me,what we get is always the best for us.Be thankful and make the best from what i get.huhuh.ok syg. I will.
Basically,dok sinih sgt sgt laa super duper flip nyeh dr lifestyle kat tmpt dulu.Ye la.Kat kl.Kat sinih sume pelik.People,places,lifestyle,attitude and etc.huhu.Quite hard actually for me to adapt and accepting it. They are mostly agak freak kot.haha! jahat plak ayat aku. Nanti koang dtg sinih,koang tau laa.Aku tamo ngumpat byk2 kat sinih,nnti ade org sinih bace matik aku. Haha. Tapi sometimes tu,aku gelak sgt byk tgk gaye 'org-org ini'.Kelakar bile tgk care mereke berpikir dan sebagainya.Ehh chup! aku tanak ckp dah pasai nih.aish!
Tapi tapek,tak lame laie nak abes (ayat nak sedapkan ati,padehal bln 12 baru abes eh).Tak lame..tak lame.kijap je..kijap berzikir plak ayat aku nih.akakak! Its such a new experience for me and it does makes me more reasonable.Not only that,i becoming more positive than before.. Pelik kan?haha!
Dah la.tatau nak tulih ape.oh ya,i came across one article bout love.I'll tell bout it in next post eh.
ok eh!papais!
aish.tamo laa ckp pasai relationship.Bosan.Tuka nak? I promise,I am going to tell you bout my current life.Had been vigilant bout it. Too much I guess.But,it does give me more time to think and be more matured in handling my life.I have been in Terengganu or to be exact in Besot for about 5 months and 28 days.I am currently in this short course called KPLI and taking English Languange as my option.I'll be teaching primary school kids.Haha! I never imagined that I am going to be here actually.It is all out of sudden. But,I think God have chose this for me.And i must make the best out of it.Like what Sayang said to me,what we get is always the best for us.Be thankful and make the best from what i get.huhuh.ok syg. I will.
Basically,dok sinih sgt sgt laa super duper flip nyeh dr lifestyle kat tmpt dulu.Ye la.Kat kl.Kat sinih sume pelik.People,places,lifestyle,attitude and etc.huhu.Quite hard actually for me to adapt and accepting it. They are mostly agak freak kot.haha! jahat plak ayat aku. Nanti koang dtg sinih,koang tau laa.Aku tamo ngumpat byk2 kat sinih,nnti ade org sinih bace matik aku. Haha. Tapi sometimes tu,aku gelak sgt byk tgk gaye 'org-org ini'.Kelakar bile tgk care mereke berpikir dan sebagainya.Ehh chup! aku tanak ckp dah pasai nih.aish!
Tapi tapek,tak lame laie nak abes (ayat nak sedapkan ati,padehal bln 12 baru abes eh).Tak lame..tak lame.kijap je..kijap berzikir plak ayat aku nih.akakak! Its such a new experience for me and it does makes me more reasonable.Not only that,i becoming more positive than before.. Pelik kan?haha!
Dah la.tatau nak tulih ape.oh ya,i came across one article bout love.I'll tell bout it in next post eh.
ok eh!papais!
hey all.actually i'm not really sure nak apdet ape.sgt blur walopon byk nak dikate.arh malas la.nnti eh.?okie?nak tito.papais!
"Love demands expression. It will not stay still, stay silent, be good, be modest,no. It will break out in tongues of praise, the high note that smashes the glass and spills the liquid".
ai em a strawberry!
You Are a Strawberry |
![]() You are friendly, outgoing, and well liked by many people. You are popular, but there's nothing you ordinary or average about you. You a very interesting person, and you have many facets to your personality. Sometimes you feel very conflicted. Your different sides of your personality pull at you. You are a very sensual and passionate person. You are fiery... you can't help it. In general, you keep your passionate side under wraps. You are only wild in private. |
Updates.progress in a year!
It's been almost a year i tak apdet my blog.gile lame kan?but,doesn't matter.i only did this for fun.just to write how and what i feel now.There's been a lot of things that happen to me.a LOt okie! so,i decided to tell it in short :
Basically,that is currently what had happen to me.Well,sometimes,we can't have everything that we want.We need to sacrifice for the people we loved most.kan?And because of that,i decided to stay here,and pursued my parents's wish.Takpe lah.aku kan anak baik.huhu.Hopefully,i can go thru this one whole year smoothly.Tak kesah laa kalo tak flying colours sgt,as long as i can passed this,that that shud be ok.
Nanti laa eh cite pasai my journey here eh.My friends are all ok.Maybe there's few of them yang agak laen mcm perangainye,but everyone around me are all people that can make me happy and forget bout my sadness being here.Thanx a lot folks!
ok lah.Nak buat lesson plan.I'll update again bout my life here later2 eh.Muahs!
- I convo.then i kije kat saiber.bout 2 months kot.then i jumped to another kj.about a month with them.
- Right after my convocation,i dpt pegi interview for kpli.second interview.i dont know how i got thru the mtest and proceed for the next interview. Then, tup2 middle dec,i was accepted for kpli 2008,option english in Institut perguruan Sultan Mizan,besut busuk.hahaha!
- I left my job,and went for sucks but i still need to go thru.for the sake of my is not really what i want to do in like it or not,i have to go thru it.huhu.
Basically,that is currently what had happen to me.Well,sometimes,we can't have everything that we want.We need to sacrifice for the people we loved most.kan?And because of that,i decided to stay here,and pursued my parents's wish.Takpe lah.aku kan anak baik.huhu.Hopefully,i can go thru this one whole year smoothly.Tak kesah laa kalo tak flying colours sgt,as long as i can passed this,that that shud be ok.
Nanti laa eh cite pasai my journey here eh.My friends are all ok.Maybe there's few of them yang agak laen mcm perangainye,but everyone around me are all people that can make me happy and forget bout my sadness being here.Thanx a lot folks!
ok lah.Nak buat lesson plan.I'll update again bout my life here later2 eh.Muahs!
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